Managing Sexual Difficulties

Managing Sexual Difficulties The quality of your sex life affects your entire life. So, if you’re having a hard time enjoying or desiring sex it’s important to find out why. There are a number of reasons for this, such as culture, background, and past sexual experiences. Emotional, physical, and psychological factors can affect intimacy […]

Your Healthcare Provider

Talk to your healthcare provider

Finding the Right Healthcare Provider Talking to a healthcare provider about your sexual health can be intimidating. You might feel embarrassed about the questions that you have; you might not want to admit to certain feelings or fears about your health. But being able to talk to your healthcare provider about your physical health as […]

Ask the Experts

Ask the experts

Have a question about STI testing? Ask an expert! The Ask the Experts service offers you the opportunity to ask questions that are answered directly by health professionals who specialize in STIs and sexual health. ASHA’s Ask the Experts service gives you access to health professionals specialize in HPV, herpes, general STIs and sexual health. […]

Talking about Sex

Talking about Sex

Let’s talk about safer sex boundaries birth control STI status desires “Imagine going to a restaurant where the chef served you whatever he or she felt like fixing instead of giving you a choice. Imagine a gardener who never asked, ‘How do you like your bushes trimmed?’ Yet when it comes to sex many of us assume that […]

Condom Sizing

Thumbs up to condoms

Condom Sizing: Finding the right fit If you have a penis, it’s likely that you’ve 1) measured your penis; 2) wondered “am I large or small?” and 3) probably worried about whether you’re large or small. Just like the people to whom they’re attached, penises come in all shapes and sizes (some would even […]

Condoms — Exploring the Options


Condoms—Exploring the Options Currently, condoms are the only widely available, proven method for reducing transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during sex. Condoms work. Condoms work best when you know some basic facts and understand how to use them. The facts on this page will help you have a better idea […]


Comprehensive sex ed

For Teachers ASHA believes young people deserve balanced, accurate, and realistic sex education, as well as access to confidential sexual health services. . Our youth today are growing up in a culture that surrounds them with sexual imagery and messages—but one in which marriage is often delayed until the late twenties or later. Historically, public […]


Be an askable parent

Be an Askable Parent Educating a child about sexual health is an important part of his or her healthy development. Their early understanding of sex, love, intimacy and their own sexuality can help mold their values, behavior, and even their self-image, for a lifetime. . Does your child feel it’s okay to talk with you […]



Vaccines Give your sex life a shot in the arm! Vaccines can prevent many diseases, including some that are sexually transmitted, like HPV and hepatitis. One important prevention tool against sexually transmitted infections is vaccination. Currently, vaccines are available to protect against infection with HPV, hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Other vaccines are under development, […]