American Sexual
Health Association

Featured ASHA Ambassador: Irene Treadwell

We are so very pleased to shine a spotlight on Irene Treadwell as our featured ASHA ambassador! An Ambassador since March 2017, Irene joined our ranks after finding out a colleague from Black Nurses Rock had become an ambassador. Black Nurses Rock is the nation’s largest minority nursing organization and sharing community with a huge […]

Men’s Sexual Health: Beyond the Carnal Tango

Men’s Sexual Health:A Conversation with Abraham Morgentaler, MD There are many misconceptions around men, sex, sexuality, and just what men want from relationships. Guys are seen as always turned on, selfish in the bedroom, and not all that interested in their partner once the carnal tango ends. Is that fair? To find out we chatted […]

Spotlight on Women’s Health

Each year in May we shine a spotlight on the unique health needs of girls and women. New policies and programs make quality healthcare accessible for millions and we want to make sure you take advantage of all that’s available. You deserve to be well cared for in mind and body! The resources on this […]

What I Didn’t Know

Throughout the month of September, we will be posting a series of essays on sexual health topics in recognition of World Sexual Health Day. This personal essay comes from Lynn Barclay, the president and CEO of the American Sexual Health Association. As a product of a Catholic school in the 1970s, I arrived at college […]

Honest Sex Education: Charting the Course to a Sexually Healthy Nation

Sex education

Throughout the month of September, we will be posting a series of essays on sexual health topics in recognition of World Sexual Health Day. This essay on the sex education comes from Debra Hauser, MPH, President of Advocates for Youth and current vice chair of ASHA’s board of directors. It is featured in Creating a […]

FDA Approves First Drug to Treat Low Sexual Desire in Women


The American Sexual Health Association strongly supports the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) decision to empower women and their healthcare providers by approving Flibanserin, the first drug to treat low sexual desire in females. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD, also known as low sexual desire) is the most commonly reported type of sexual dysfunction in […]

Treating Adolescent Patients

Treating Adolescent Patients Treating Adolescent Male Patients: An Interview with Dr. David Bell To explore issues related to the examination of the young male patient, ASHA had a conversation with Dr. David Bell for our Sex+Health podcast. Dr Bell discusses ways to build rapport with patients, elements of the physical examination, immunizations, sexual health, and […]

JAMA Viewpoint on Sexual Health in America

Experts say we can only meet sexual health challenges by shifting away from the current focus on diseases and moving towards a perspective that promotes health and wellness. In a Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Viewpoint published online June 18, 2015, Sexual Health in America: Improving Patient Care and Public Health, former Surgeon […]

Health is Power

Your Health is Your Power This male-focused campaign is a multi-channel effort intended to promote the sexual health of African American men ages 18 to 30 in the United States using online, social media, and on-the-ground messaging. The Health Is Power toolkit is designed for organizations to better promote sexual health among young African American […]

Spotlight on Women’s Health

Women's health

May 10 kicks off National Women’s Health Week, an annual observance led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health. The goal is to empower women to make their health a priority and help women understand what steps they can take to improve their health. Women are often in charge of taking […]