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American Sexual
Health Association

HIV Testing

Free HIV Testing

The only way to tell you have HIV is get tested. Testing is recommended at least once for everyone, and may be recommended more often for some. Testing can be quick, easy and confidential—and free.

Why get tested for HIV?

Knowing your HIV status has two important benefits. First, if you are HIV positive, you can get treatment, care and support services as soon as possible. Second, if you know you are infected, you can take precautions to not pass on HIV to others.

Should I get tested for HIV?

If you have never been tested for HIV, you should be tested at least once. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends at least one HIV test for everyone aged 13 to 64 who visits a doctor. CDC also suggests being tested at least once a year if you do things that can transmit HIV infection. These include:

  • injecting drugs or steroids with used injection equipment
  • having sex with an HIV-infected person
  • having more than one sex partner since your last HIV test
  • having a sex partner who has had other sex partners since your last HIV test

If you have been tested for HIV and the result is negative and you never do things that might transmit HIV infection, then you and your health care provider can decide whether you need to get tested again. Overall, you should talk to your provider about how often to get tested for HIV.

Body fluids that can transmit HIV
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How long after possible exposure should I get tested?

Tests can’t detect HIV immediately after infection. There is a period of time between infection and when tests can provide results. That is called a window period.

The window period varies, depending on the type of test used. There are three types of tests:

  • Antibody test: This type of test looks for antibodies to HIV in your blood or oral fluid. Antibodies are disease-fighting proteins that the immune system creates to fight off harmful substances in the body, like viruses. Most rapid tests and the only HIV self-test approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are antibody tests. A oral fluid test is done by swabbing the gums while a blood test can be done by either taking blood from a vein or via a finger prick. In general, antibody tests that use blood from a vein detect HIV sooner after infection than tests done with blood from a finger prick or with oral fluid.
  • Antigen/Antibody test: These tests look for both HIV antibodies as well as antigens. Antigens are found on bacteria or viruses, like HIV. Antigens typically show up sooner than antibodies after HIV exposure. The antigen/antibody test is a blood test.
  • Nucleic Acid Test (NAT): A NAT looks for the virus itself in the blood. It can detect not only whether HIV is there but the quantity of virus (called viral load). These are expensive tests more typically used to monitor HIV treatment rather than as a screening test.

Window Periods for Different Types of HIV Tests

Window periods for HIV testing
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Where can I get tested for HIV?

There are many places to get HIV testing, including local health departments, private doctors, hospitals and clinics. Testing at health departments and clinics is often free or low cost.

You may want to check to see if the testing site offers HIV counseling as well as the test. HIV counselors can provide you with important information about the test, answer your questions about your risk for HIV, and offer information on how to protect yourself and others in the future. They also can provide information about other resources available in the area.

Some locations may have rapid tests that can tell if you are infected within 30 minutes, while in other locations it may take up to weeks to get results. Check with the test site to find out what type of HIV tests they have.

Can I test myself at home?

There are home collection kits that allow you to take your own blood sample and send it in to be anonymously tested. The only test approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for home collection is OraQuick. You can purchase this test in most drug stores, but it is also available for purchase online.

Free at-home tests are available from Together TakeMeHome, an HIV self-testing program throughout the U.S. including Puerto Rico. The program mails you a free HIV tests that you can take in a place that is safe, private, and convenient without having to go to a clinic or testing site. If you live in the United States (including Puerto Rico), are 17 years of age or older, and have not ordered from Together TakeMeHome in the past 90 days, you are eligible to request one or two HIV self-tests. You can get a test for yourself and one to share with a friend or partner.

If I test negative, does that mean my partner is too?

No. The test for HIV can only tell you if you have been infected or not. Transmission of the virus does not necessarily occur every time exposure occurs. The only way for an individual to tell if they have been infected with HIV is to be tested. If you are unsure of your partner’s status, you may want to consider talking to them about it and using protection to reduce your risk.

What if I test positive?

There are many things you can do to help protect your health if you test positive for HIV. Seeking health care early and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help a person stay healthy. Some specific things you can do if you’re positive for HIV are:

  • See a health care provider, even if you feel well. If possible, see a provider who is familiar with treating people with HIV. Health care providers can inform you on what tests and drug treatment are right for you.
  • Get tested for tuberculosis (TB). Because a person can have an inactive type of bacteria, you may be infected with TB and not know it. TB can be a serious disease for someone who is infected with HIV, but it is curable if detected early.
  • Smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol or using illegal drugs can weaken a person’s immune system. People can help maintain their immune system health by stopping or reducing their use of these substances. There are many programs that can help you quit if you need to.

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