American Sexual
Health Association

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 💞 Mammograms are recommended for those aged 40-74 every two years. Breast self-exams are important so you can let your doctor know if something is abnormal. #breastcancer  #1in8 

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Know the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships 💜
#healthyrelationships #toxicrelationships #love #stopdomesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #healthylove #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth

October 13th is National Herpes Awareness Day

Facts about herpes ✨
  • herpes is common
  • disclosure is important
  • can be transmitted with no symptoms
  • herpes is manageable
  • it does NOT have to get in the way of relationships
  • there is NO “natural/herbal” cure
#herpes #herpesawarenessday #stopthestigma #hsv

October 15th is National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

October 15 is National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day, a day to help stop HIV stigma and address the disproportionate impact of HIV on Hispanic/Latino communities. #StopHIVTogether #NLAAD #StrongerThanHIV


STI prevention isn't spooky

There may be no signs of ghosts or STIs, but screening for STIs shouldn’t be spooky! Not all STIs have symptoms, so it is important to get tested! Stay spooky, and stay safe!

Talking about STI’s shouldn’t be spooky! Not all STIs have symptoms, so it is important to get tested! Stay spooky, and stay safe!