American Sexual
Health Association

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 💞 Mammograms are recommended for those aged 40-74 every two years. Breast self-exams are important so you can let your doctor know if something is abnormal. #breastcancer  #1in8 

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Know the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships 💜
#healthyrelationships #toxicrelationships #love #stopdomesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #healthylove #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth

October 13th is National Herpes Awareness Day

Facts about herpes ✨
  • herpes is common
  • disclosure is important
  • can be transmitted with no symptoms
  • herpes is manageable
  • it does NOT have to get in the way of relationships
  • there is NO “natural/herbal” cure
#herpes #herpesawarenessday #stopthestigma #hsv

October 15th is National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

October 15 is National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day, a day to help stop HIV stigma and address the disproportionate impact of HIV on Hispanic/Latino communities. #StopHIVTogether #NLAAD #StrongerThanHIV