ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.
ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.

American Sexual
Health Association

Online Educational Content for Health Care Providers and Health Professionals

In addition to other resources for health care providers, ASHA offers free online continuing education activities and other online training resources such as webinars and online e-learning modules. 


Syphilis in the US: The current state of the epidemic and how it’s being addressed

Hosted by AVAC and ASHA, this webinar examines the current state of the syphilis epidemic in the US and how the National Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Syndemic Federal Task Force is addressing the response.

Words Matter: Minimizing STI Stigma in Healthcare Settings

In this webinar, we discuss the ways in which stigma is perpetuated in health care settings; explore how the language clinicians routinely use may be considered judgmental, exclusionary, or patronizing; and consider alternatives. Language is always evolving, and this webinar can help providers and others working in public health communicate more clearly and without stigma.

E-Learning Module on Minimizing Stigma

Minimizing STI Stigma in Healthcare Settings

A companion to the webinar above, these five e-learning modules explore the stigma around STIs, the ways bias and assumptions can impact patient care, and the importance of language choices to minimize stigma. Included is a self assessment module that allows you to examine your own beliefs and values around sexual behavior, sexual orientation, gender identity, and STIs. The content concludes with a series of patient scenarios to help you put the ideas into practice. The modules should take under 30 minutes to complete.

A doctor talking to a patient who appears uncomfortable

Resources on Opt-Out Chlamydia Screening​

A central component of implementing an opt-out screening strategy at your practice is normalizing chlamydia testing. You can reduce missed opportunities for screening by making it part of routine preventive care. By emphasizing the practice rather than the patient, you can reassure your patients that testing is routine. The National Chlamydia Coalition website offers printable materials, videos, and links to additional resources on implementing an opt-out screening approach.

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