Search Results for: oral herpes

STIs and oral sex

Oral Sex and STIs

STIs and Oral Sex Can someone be infected with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) from oral sex? Yes. Many STIs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, can be spread through oral

A pregnant woman with her doctor

Genital Herpes and Pregnancy

If you are pregnant and you have genital herpes, you may be concerned about the risk of spreading the infection to your baby. Be reassured that the risk is extremely small.

herpes treatment

Treatment Options for Herpes Infections

While there is no cure for herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections, there are various treatment options available that can help manage symptoms and control outbreaks.

A health care provider talks to a patient

Herpes Testing

Is that sore or rash actually genital herpes? Can you tell by just looking? Can a healthcare provider? No! When it comes to diagnosing genital herpes, it takes more than a look.

Doctor showing something to a patient

Herpes—Fast facts

Herpes:Fast Facts Herpes is a common and usually mild infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It can cause cold sores on the mouth or face (called oral herpes)

Oklahoma legislature

Oklahoma Bill Would Criminalize STIs

The Oklahoma House recently passed a bill making it a crime to intentionally or recklessly spread several STIs. Those found guilty would be convicted of a felony and punished with between two and five years in prison.