ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.
ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.

American Sexual
Health Association

We are so very pleased to shine a spotlight on Irene Treadwell as our featured ASHA ambassador!

Irene TreadwellAn Ambassador since March 2017, Irene joined our ranks after finding out a colleague from Black Nurses Rock had become an ambassador. Black Nurses Rock is the nation’s largest minority nursing organization and sharing community with a huge social media presence and a mission to “inspire and empower innovative leaders that will serve and educate vulnerable communities.” Irene is the HIV/AIDS chair for the organization and says becoming a sexual health ambassador struck her as a great opportunity: “As an ASHA ambassador, social media is key in getting your message out to the masses; irrespective of location, your message can reach the world.”

Ambassadors find lots of surprises in their online interactions and Irene says the best part of being an ambassador is “getting that thumbs up from folks you least expect, because you never know who’s watching!”

One of her key messages is that sex and sexuality can flourish for as long as we’re alive. “As the U.S. population ages, we should focus on sexuality of folks throughout their lifespan, understanding the nuances of aging on the body and the importance of practicing safe sex at 20, at 50 and beyond.” We couldn’t agree more and ASHA’s website has a section devoted exclusively to Sex after 50. Congratulations Irene Treadwell and thanks for all you do to make America a sexually healthy nation!

ASHA Ambassadors are people who speak sexual health. A team of individuals leveraging the power of social media to get the word out about sex health, Ambassadors support our online conversations by tweeting, posting pics, sharing and ‘liking’ posts and all things social media. Learn more about the ASHA Ambassador program here.