ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.
ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.

American Sexual
Health Association

NGU, or Nongonoccocal Urethritis


Nongonococcal urethritis—or NGU—is an infection of the urethra caused by germs other than gonorrhea. The most common cause is chlamydia.

HPV-Related Cancer in Men — Stories from Survivors

A doctor consoles a patient

We know that one important way to raise awareness about HPV-related cancer in men is by sharing stories of those who have experienced it. Here we share stories from three men on their experiences with HPV-related cancer.

Could Monkeys’ Behavior Explain Why Men Masturbate?

Tissues used after a person masturbates

A new paper suggests that there are biological and evolutionary reasons that we masturbate and looks to our ape ancestors for evidence. There is evidence starting around 40 million years ago that the ancestors of all monkeys and apes did indeed masturbate.

June is Men’s Health Month

Men's Health Month

Each year in June we put a special focus on the health needs of boys and men. Sexual health is important across the entire lifespan and involves more than just sex! Body image, relationships, understanding sexual anatomy (and keeping it healthy) are all a big part of a guy’s overall health.

Are penises getting longer?

Measuring penis length

Are penises getting longer? New research suggests the average penis length has increased over the last few decades. Does it matter?