What You Need to Know About the HPV Self-Collection Test
What You Need to Know About HPV Testing with Self-Collected Samples There’s a new way to screen for cervical cancer. With self-collection, you can take a sample of cells from your vagina. Your health care provider sends that sample to a lab that tests for HPV, the cause of almost all cervical cancer. You still […]
Two Studies Show Doxy PEP is a Winning Strategy
Two studies published in this month’s JAMA Internal Medicine offer encouraging findings about the use of Doxy PEP.
Tribal Leaders Want Syphilis to Be Declared a Public Health Emergency
According to the Great Plains Tribal Epidemiology Center, syphilis rates among Native Americans in Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South rose 1,865% from 2020 to 2022.
Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections—How It Works
Many STIs have no signs or symptoms in the majority of people infected. The only way to know if you have an STI is to get tested.
Cautious Optimism as New 2023 Data Suggests Progress in Addressing the STI Epidemic
CDC just released the 2023 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Surveillance and for the first time in a long time the data is encouraging.
A Truly At-Home Test for Bacterial STIs Does Well in Trials
A completely at-home PCR test for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomaniasis could allow people to test themselves and get results and treatment within a matter of hours.
HHS Recognizes Herpes as a Priority in the STI National Plan
The STI National Plan has now been amended to add genital herpes as a priority.
Should we be recommending STI testing for all sexually active heterosexual men?
Widespread screening for STIs in heterosexual men is deemed “not cost effective.” Should we reconsider?
September 30 is National Get Tested Day
ASHA has declared September 30 as National Get Tested Day—a day to raise awareness about the importance of getting tested for sexually transmitted infections.
HPV Vaccination Rates Among Teens Not Going Up
For the second year in a row, HPV vaccination rates among teens have not gone up according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).