HPV Vaccination Rates Among Teens Not Going Up
For the second year in a row, HPV vaccination rates among teens have not gone up according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
FDA Approves First At-Home Syphilis Test
The FDA recently approved an at-home test for syphilis that can provide initial results in just 15-minutes. Syphilis has been surging in recent years with the number of cases rising 80% between 2018 and 2022 alone.
Survey Says: Americans Have Misconceptions About STIs
How are STIs transmitted? When should someone be tested? A national survey from the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center finds many in the U.S. struggle when answering those questions.
Sexual Health Lessons from the Olympics
For a brief fortnight or so, the youth of the world are gathered in France to compete as comrades united by the Olympic banner (more or less, we can dream). They’re also knocking boots, and the condoms distributed by the organizing committee have some extra messaging.
Can I Get an STI from Kissing?
You can get STIs from kissing, but most experts would tell you that kissing—even passionate kissing with tongue—is a pretty safe sexual behavior.
STIs Are Not Just for the Young
STIs aren’t about age, they’re about sexual behavior. Older people are having sex, and they need to be thinking about sexually transmitted infections.
Understanding the Social Factors Associated with Congenital Syphilis
Public health experts have said that every case of congenital syphilis is a failure of STI screening and prenatal care. A new study looked more closely at cases to see what factors in a pregnant person’s life were most associated with congenital syphilis.
Genital Warts
Genital warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The types of HPV that cause genital warts are usually spread by direct skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, anal, or possibly oral sex with someone who has this infection.
Preventing HIV with Just Two Shots a Year? A New Study Shows This is Possible
Remarkable results in a Phase III PrEP trial with women and adolescent girls in Africa—two injections per year effectively prevented all HIV infection.
New Option for Cervical Cancer Screening — Self Collected Samples
The FDA recently approved HPV testing using self-collected samples. Experts hope allowing people to collect their own samples will increase screening rates.