American Sexual
Health Association

April is STI Awareness Month

This April, in honor of STI Awareness Month, take some time to learn about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)—and how to prevent them and take care of your sexual health.

HPV and Men—Take the Quiz

What do you know about HPV and men? Take the quiz and find out

HPV (a.k.a. human papillomavirus) is the name of a group of viruses that infect the skin. In women, HPV can lead to cervical cancer (and other types of cancer as well), but what about in men? Think you know about HPV and men? Take the quiz and find out.

Social Media Toolkit on Cervical Health

If you’re passionate about cervical health awareness, the resources here are for you. Advocacy around cervical health is especially relevant during national observances, including Cervical Health Awareness Month in January.