Condoms: Contraception and Disease Prevention
Currently, condoms are the only widely available, proven method for reducing transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during sex. Condoms work.
It’s about respect – and responsibility – for yourself and your partner. Before deciding to have sex it pays to think about protecting yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You’ve already taken a big step by looking for answers to your questions and getting the facts.
If you choose to be sexually active, using condoms correctly and consistently is a key way to protect your sexual health. Don’t be shy to talk with your partner about safer sex and condoms: For both of you, this is one of the most important conversations you can have. It’s also one of the smartest!
A partner might have specific reasons for not wanting to use condoms. Look over this list to get ideas about how to respond if you ever feel pressured to have sex without a condom:
“This is the only way I feel comfortable having sex but believe me, it’ll still be good even with protection! And it lets us both just focus on each other instead of worrying about all that other stuff…”
“Of course I trust you, but anyone can have an STI and not even know it. This is just a way to take care of both of us.”
“I have some, right here.”
“I can show you – want me to put it on for you?”
“It only takes one time to get pregnant or to get an STI. I just can’t have sex unless I know I’m as safe as I can be.”
“This is for both of us…and I won’t have sex without protection. Let me show you how good it can be – even with a condom.”
“But that doesn’t protect us from STIs, so I still want to be safe, for both of us.”
Currently, condoms are the only widely available, proven method for reducing transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during sex. Condoms work.
The Biden Administration proposed new rules designed to make getting contraception easier and less expensive.
Condom use is falling among young people around the world. Is a lack of sex education partly to blame?
A new study says we might be overestimating just how good tubal ligation (“getting your tubes tied” ) is at preventing pregnancy.
The youth of the world are gathered in France to compete. They’re also knocking boots, and the condoms distributed by the organizing committee have some extra messaging.
Women in states with restrictive abortion laws have few options today. And yet the prescriptions for birth control methods has fallen since the Dobbs decision.
ASHA believes that all people have the right to the information and services that will help them to have optimum sexual health. We envision a time when stigma is no longer associated with sexual health and our nation is united in its belief that sexuality is a normal, healthy, and positive aspect of human life.
© 2025 American Sexual Health Association