Search Results for: Starting the conversation

April is STI Awareness Month

This April, in honor of STI Awareness Month, take some time to learn about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)—and how to prevent them and take care of your sexual health.

HIV Prevention

HIV Social Media Toolkit

HIV Advocacy Anytime is the right time to promote HIV prevention and advocacy Anytime is the right time to promote HIV prevention and advocacy and there are specific observations recognized

Sex and seniors

Sexual Rights for Seniors

Sexual Rights for Seniors ASHA’s Fred Wyand takes on the topic of our sexual rights as we age . Sexual Intimacy: A Human Right. That’s a bold statement. When I

Talking about sex with your parents

Talking to Parents

You probably think that talking to your parents about sex is impossible. You’re not alone; 83 percent of kids your age are afraid to ask their parents about sex. Yet

Talking about Sex

Talking about Sex

Let’s talk about safer sex boundaries birth control STI status desires “Imagine going to a restaurant where the chef served you whatever he or she felt like fixing instead of giving you a

Celebrating Sexual Health in September

September is Sexual Health Month Let’s Talk Pleasure! Each year, the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) celebrates World Sexual Health Day on September 4th, and the theme for the

Danah Abarr

Grassroots Hope

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ― Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol Danah Abarr needed answers about HPV. She figured

Sexual pleasure

Sexual Health Month—30 Days of Sexual Pleasure

Sexual pleasure is always worth celebrating. Sex has been shown to promote better sleep habits, less stress, and more happiness. Our bodies thrive on the chemicals released during orgasm, so a healthy sex life is indeed part of a healthy body.