American Sexual
Health Association

Talking to Your Family and Friends about Your Cancer

Two people clasping hands in support

It can be difficult to talk to family and friends about any cancer diagnosis. It can be helpful to have a team of friends and family for support, but you are in charge of who you tell and how much you tell them.

HPV-Related Cancer

An image of HPV

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 36,500 HPV-associated cancers occur in the U.S each year.

Desperate Housewives Star Talks about her Anal Cancer Diagnosis

Anal cancer

Actress Marcia Cross Discusses Her Anal Cancer Diagnosis Hoping to lessen stigma and spur conversations between patients and health care professionals, Desperate Housewives actor Marcia Cross recently told CBS This Morning she was diagnosed with anal cancer about a year and a half ago. “High risk” types of HPV are associated with a number of […]

A Cure for HPV? Evaluating HPV Treatment Options

A cure for HPV! Satisfaction guaranteed! No more outbreaks! If you’ve had an HPV diagnosis, you may have seen claims like this in your search for information on the Internet and elsewhere, often written in large bold type. In smaller type are the disclaimers: “Individual results may vary.” “This information is not intended to replace […]

HPV: What Men Need to Know

What do you know about HPV and men? Take the quiz and find out

HPV (a.k.a. human papilloma virus) is an equal opportunity virus, infecting both men and women. Men can get infected with HPV, and most do—it’s so common that nearly all sexually active people will have HPV at some point in
their lives.