ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.
ASHA remains an independent, unbiased source of information on sexual health. We are guided by science, not ideology. READ MORE.

American Sexual
Health Association

Fast Facts

  • Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by a group of viruses.
  • There are five major types of viral hepatitis: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, and hepatitis E.
  • Hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are the most common types of viral hepatitis found in the United States.
  • The are vaccines available that can prevent both hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by a group of viruses—hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. When hepatitis viruses damage liver cells, scar tissue is formed and those cells can no longer function. With fewer healthy liver cells, the body begins to show symptoms ranging from mild (such as fatigue) to more severe symptoms (such as mental confusion).

Although many cases of hepatitis are not a serious threat to health, the disease can sometimes become chronic (long-lasting) and may lead to liver failure and death. In many cases, though, viral hepatitis is a self-resolving illness—meaning it goes away on its own.

Sexual activity poses a different level of risk for each type of viral hepatitis, but is most closely associated with hepatitis B. Blood transfusion, IV needle sharing, and organ transplants can also transmit hepatitis.

Click on the hepatitis types below to learn more.

Types of Hepatitis

Prevent Hepatitis A and B

Both hepatitis A and hepatitis B can be prevented through vaccination. There is even a combination vaccine for both.

More to Explore

Ways HIV is Not transmitted

Fast Facts about HIV

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Learn the basics about HIV prevention, testing, and treatment.

PrEP in a pill or a shot


PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. The word prophylaxis means to prevent or control the spread of an infection or disease. The goal of PrEP is to prevent HIV infection from taking hold if you are exposed to the virus.

National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Living with HIV/AIDS

Life continues after becoming HIV positive. Thanks to new treatments, many people with HIV are living long, healthy lives.

A person with lesions on their abdomen from scabies


Scabies is an infestation of the top layer of skin caused by the parasite. Scabies are passed on through close physical contact. Transmission is more likely when partners spend the night together than during a brief sexual encounter.

A sample is viewed under a microscope

Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin disease caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV)
Once a disease primarily of children, molluscum has evolved to become a sexually transmitted infection in adults.

HPV vaccines

The HPV Vaccine Prevents Cancer

In the U.S., HPV infections are estimated to cause about 37,300 cases of cancer. The HPV vaccine can prevent over 90% of these cancers from ever developing.